Jan 27, 2043.
The new legislation that was recently passed in New York State, now classifies violence against robots as a hate crime.
As the perceived conversational ability and emotional intelligence of a modern robot is comparable to an average human, psychologists claim that violence against human-like robots also indicates a dangerous lack of compassion toward fellow human beings.
Their claim is supported by studies which show that the ability to commit violence against robots leads to violent behavior towards humans. Crime statistics seem to agree, which led to the adoption of the new robotic hate crime legislation lobbied by construction and utility companies, who are heavy users of the robotic workforce.
Alberto Belloni, a 37-year-old man from Queens, New York, will be the first person to be charged with the new offense. His court proceedings could create a precedent that breaking robots is not just “property damage” any more.
As the assault was captured on multiple cameras, a photorealistic 3D reconstruction of Belloni interfering with street cleaning bot will be used by prosecutors as evidence. Publicly available HoloView shows the perpetrator trying to steer the cleaner into traffic, kicking it over in a fit of frustration before stomping on the robot's sensors rendering it inoperational.
“This broad daylight attack was blatant and premeditated.” A spokesperson from the utilities association stated. “And the fact that it took place in the light of day in front of dozens of pedestrians who did nothing to stop it, further highlights the danger and disregard our robot workers face daily.”
Human labor unions used the opportunity to protest the new legislation and the widespread adoption of robots . One of their demands is to tax robot use by the government and corporations and use the money toward UBI payments.
“Government is taxing people for work, why not robots?“ Were the yells from the protesters in front of the court.
There are many people who detest the growing robot population and blame the bots for the high unemployment rate and growing unrest in major metropolitan areas. The disturbing trend of the vandalism of worker robots has been widespread all over the country in the last few years, as more and more low wage jobs have been taken by mechanical workers.
Due to the growing hatred of robots and victimization of working robots in particular, many people feel that the New York State legislation is long overdue and will help prevent robot violence, deeming it as a gateway towards violent crimes against humans.
The upcoming court case might also prove to be a catalyst for a shift in consciousness, to stop viewing robots merely as machines but as creatures who share the world alongside us.
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